Compliance, eDiscovery, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP), Legal Hold, Management, Technology 0 July 10, 2019 2028 Aaron Taylor

Law firms and lawyers have an ethical responsibility to be informed and competent regarding technology use in client relationships. Proper legal hold administration falls within this responsibility, lawyers benefit greatly and meet ethical responsibility by having expertise of a legal hold administrator.

Data Mapping, eDiscovery, eDiscovery Software, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP), Legal Hold, Technology 0 January 16, 2019 2253 Aaron Taylor

I have advocated for some time that a corporation or law firm is well served by having a position for eDiscovery Program Manager, responsible for managing the support functions related to litigation, regulatory matters or audits. This position is an enhancement of the Legal Hold Administrator position often found in companies, if they have any […]

Applications, E-Discovery, eDiscovery Software, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP), Legal Hold 0 November 14, 2018 1244 Aaron Taylor

Being involved in the eDiscovery industry over a period of time now, both as a consultant and as an in-house employee, I have had many occasions to come in contact with eDiscovery software promotions and informational articles. Whether through vendor websites, blog posts, promotional literature at seminars and events, personal contact…a similar them pops up […]

Applications, BYOD, E-Discovery, Email 0 December 12, 2016 1719 Aaron Taylor

It seems I had barely digested the intriguing information about one of the newer messaging apps called Signal as I discussed in my last blog and as reported by the NYTimes, when now I see a new story about updates by Slack to their app as reported by The Technologist blog from FindLaw.  Slack is putting the pressure on other […]

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