Applications, E-Discovery, eDiscovery Software, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP), Legal Hold 0 November 14, 2018 1243 Aaron Taylor

Being involved in the eDiscovery industry over a period of time now, both as a consultant and as an in-house employee, I have had many occasions to come in contact with eDiscovery software promotions and informational articles. Whether through vendor websites, blog posts, promotional literature at seminars and events, personal contact…a similar them pops up […]

Cooperation, E-Discovery, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) 0 July 31, 2017 1400 Aaron Taylor

While reading the numerous blogs and articles emphasizing increased efforts to have attorneys be more cooperative in their “meet and confers” and ongoing conferences, I happened to recall some legal work of Louis Brandeis before he ascended to the US Supreme Court.  Not that I’m a legal scholar, but I enjoy reading of the works of […]

Cross Border, E-Discovery, Email, Privacy 0 February 21, 2017 1353 Aaron Taylor

Ricci Dipshan at Legaltech News recently posted a fine article regarding what may be described as cross-border subpoenas for discovery of electronic information, specifically emails.  The two court decisions are by now pretty familiar to those in the E-Discovery and legal industries:  the Microsoft discovery case in Ireland addressed by the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, and […]

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