Sometimes sanctions are levied and cases lost due to a nail; one eDiscovery error can ruin your day.
Sometimes sanctions are levied and cases lost due to a nail; one eDiscovery error can ruin your day.
With thanks to Logikcull for their recent post on important eDiscovery cases of 2018 which I reference here, legal holds are in the spotlight…again. It seems that many companies, or perhaps their legal counsel, when confronted with eDiscovery requests tend to “push the envelop” a bit too far too often in production of relevant documents. […]
Legal Hold blogs exist for basically two reasons: to share information; and to promote a product and/or service; this blog is intended to do just that, hopefully in a helpful and successful manner. I recently noticed a comment in one of the many blogs I read that actually spoke to truth in a simple way; […]
Being involved in the eDiscovery industry over a period of time now, both as a consultant and as an in-house employee, I have had many occasions to come in contact with eDiscovery software promotions and informational articles. Whether through vendor websites, blog posts, promotional literature at seminars and events, personal contact…a similar them pops up […]
While reading the numerous blogs and articles emphasizing increased efforts to have attorneys be more cooperative in their “meet and confers” and ongoing conferences, I happened to recall some legal work of Louis Brandeis before he ascended to the US Supreme Court. Not that I’m a legal scholar, but I enjoy reading of the works of […]
Ricci Dipshan at Legaltech News recently posted a fine article regarding what may be described as cross-border subpoenas for discovery of electronic information, specifically emails. The two court decisions are by now pretty familiar to those in the E-Discovery and legal industries: the Microsoft discovery case in Ireland addressed by the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, and […]
There is probably little objection to the statement that conflicts in discovery processes and production between opposing counsel cause serious headaches for all involved…attorneys, clients and courts all can be frustrated by the time and effort consumed with disagreement on what or how much data should be produced, by whom, when and how. Arguments ensue […]
Legal holds (litigation holds, preservation notices, whatever label you choose) are an integral part of any litigation action, audit or regulatory matter of consequence, and a comprehensive legal hold program should be a “must-have” in corporations and law firms if they expect to develop a truly robust and defensible litigation management program. But a common […]
For those of you who may have checked out my initial blog site at www.legalholdbog.com, thanks for your patience during my update to this site. I realized I needed to create something more user-friendly and informative that would also provide more design flexibility as well. And I’m finding out this is a significant challenge, both […]