Legal Hold blogs exist for basically two reasons: to share information; and to promote a product and/or service; this blog is intended to do just that, hopefully in a helpful and successful manner. I recently noticed a comment in one of the many blogs I read that actually spoke to truth in a simple way; […]
Good news seemed to be in the offing as more states moved to require CLE-credited training for attorneys on technology competence, such as Florida did here . But a recent survey by the ABA as reported by Gibbons E-Discovery Law Alert shows that attorneys may not be taking part in technology training as soon or as diligently […]
Legal holds (litigation holds, preservation notices, whatever label you choose) are an integral part of any litigation action, audit or regulatory matter of consequence, and a comprehensive legal hold program should be a “must-have” in corporations and law firms if they expect to develop a truly robust and defensible litigation management program. But a common […]