Welcome To My Updated Blog Site

General Conversation 1 October 21, 2016 4131 Aaron Taylor

For those of you who may have checked out my initial blog site at www.legalholdbog.com, thanks for your patience during my update to this site.  I realized I needed to create something more user-friendly and informative that would also provide more design flexibility as well.  And I’m finding out this is a significant challenge, both in time and effort, to create a site that’s acceptable to me and appealing to you…so hang in there, I’m working to get something that’s satisfying as quickly as possible.  I’m anxious to share thoughts and opinions on the ever-expanding world of legal hold administration and e-discovery topics of all types…from legal opinions from courts, to attorney and corporate administrator/user experiences.  Hopefully, we will discover order out of chaos!


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1 Comment On Welcome To My Updated Blog Site

  • Stacie

    I like the clean look and it seems easy to use 🙂

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